What is this service and what mean with "ranked IPv4 address"?
By default each server have only 1 public IPv4 address. In many cases this is not good and server owner sometimes have problems. When you rent a second IPv4 address for your Counter-Strike 1.6 server from us, you can solve each problems from this points:
1. High ping - lot of players have high ping from own network. Our IPv4 address present edge network, low latency and 10-40 gbps inbound bandwidth. Check the proof of ping test and speed test from Frankfurt, Germany.
2. Ddos attack - every day server is ddos attacked (flood/crash). This IPv4 address can mask your real server ip and ddos attacks will be blocked/mitigated without time out or packet lose.
3. Ban/derank - server ip is banned or deranked from some tracker websites. Our IPv4 addresses are clean and no have any derank/bans from tracker websites.
4. Host change - searching for a good host and constantly changing the server ip. You can have a permanent IPv4 address where will be available 24/7/365.
Features and options.
Receive new and clean ip where players can join to server. Server will be visible on Valve master server (steam) with this ip address. Unlimited ip changes if you want and need this. Choosing the server port, 27015 or some other. Choosing the ip location from 60+ countries. Rent up to 2 maximum IPv4 address from different networks per one server. Monhly price based on host/location from 10€ up to 13€.
For orders, questions or more information about this service please visit FAQ page or send a message to administrator via Contact form.
Example video with deranked server from gametracker check bellow.